How to create trust and credibility in business deleting the three letter word.
Do you want to create more trust and credibility in business and in your personal life? Try deleting this three letter word I guarantee it will work.
You have earned all the money you can?
What are you comfortable doing and why does money matter?
Tip to executing your plans.
Do you struggle making phone calls or getting tasks done check out this quick tip to execute your plans.
What is your client itch?
What is an itch? is it an allergy or something else? Find out in this episode.
Hindsight is 2020
Hindsight is 2020 When I was doing an interview today I heard this statement; Hindsight is 2020. So profound, looking back what have you learned from 2020?
Love Gives, Lust Takes
Love is kind, generous, gives from the heart, where lust is just for the sale in business with no connection.
Fear and Faith Expecting Something Not Yet Seen
Fear and Faith Expecting Something Not Yet Seen.
Business 2-Minute Coaching
Stuck on Freeway, took me 1 hour to travel less than 1 mile.
Too often business owners are so preoccupied with select parts of the accounting process that they don’t realize just how valuable all that financial information can be. Some business owners focus on preparing the yearly tax statement. Others may worry about that and...
5 Tips to Make Your Business Website User-Friendly
When creating a website for your business, there are certain things to keep in mind from a design perspective that can make or break your site. Even if you do not plan to spend a fortune on your site, paying attention to each of these items you will ensure that the...
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